“Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Hear” By Karima Bennoune

Introduction: Everything Looks Different Once You Have Seen “Death To” Before Your Name

6 “The question asked by some U.S. commentators yet again was, “Why don’t the Muslims speak out?” But almost no one was listening to those who did.” !!

17 – 18 “An unfortunate dynamic has developed. Some of the fundamentalist groups that do not profess to use violence, or at least not against Westerners, are today cast as “moderate” in relation to these Salafi jihadi groups. It is apparently “moderate” to believe in ruling with religion and that women do not really need equality. This label hides the ways such groups gravely undermine freedom of religion, the rights of women and minorities, and the vital separation of mosque and state, and thus make the ground fertile for their more extreme brethren to plough. […]
In the West, there has been a strategy of treating fundamentalists not engaged in terrorism against Westerners as allies against those who are. This is disastrous for those on the ground forced to contend with both cohorts.” !!!